Don’t Make These 5 Common Small Kitchen Mistakes

Blissspace Team | 20 April , 2020

Reaching for the cornflakes in your cupboard and five other boxes fall out? Can only one person squeeze between the centre island unit and side countertops at a time? You may feel that with problems like that, can your small kitchen really get any worse?

When you’re dealing with a small kitchen, it needs to be beautiful and more importantly, functional. While planning the space, one must consider the size and direction of doors, appliances, and cabinets. Fridges and ovens need wider clearance and you need to make the best use of every inch of countertop space.

Lucky for you, we’ve made a list of common small kitchen mistakes, so you don’t have to learn the hard way.

Not Installing Upper Cabinetry

It’s easy to think that by not installing upper cabinetry you’ll allow your space to look airier and roomier, which is quite a common misconception. But it doesn’t take long to realize that just because your kitchen is small doesn’t make your kitchen equipment any less.

Keeping a spice rack on the countertop, hanging pots and pans from a wall-mounted stand, and stacking baskets on top of the fridge make a small kitchen look smaller and messier. All these can easily fit into upper cabinetry and give you more cooking and moving space. However, we would advise you to avoid ‘heavy’ looking upper cabinetry as well as cabinets with glass-front doors.

Putting Everything Out on Display

Your vintage mixer, those decorative knick-knacks, and the beautiful fruit bowl on the counter may be close to your heart, but instead of looking like display items, they look like clutter, and that’s a no-no in a small space. That’s not to say that a small kitchen can’t be decorated or look beautiful. Less is more when it comes to a small space – so choose only a couple of items that bring out the beauty of your kitchen.

Not Taking Advantage of the Lighting

You probably already know about how lighting plays a huge role in making spaces look larger or smaller. Using smart lighting really opens up a space and creates the illusion of more space in an otherwise tiny spot, while shadows create an even pokier atmosphere. Consult with your interior designer or kitchen renovator on what lighting would work best for you and additionally, use statement lighting such as pendant lights or under-cabinet lights when possible.

Not Making Use of Hidden Storage

For small kitchens, every square inch of space counts, and secret storage nooks are just as important as exposed shelves or cabinets. Pullout shelves are great for keeping your kitchen organized and easy to access. A roll-out trash bin gets your garbage can out of the way. Since counter space is precious in small kitchens, consider tucking your cutting board away in the top of a kitchen cabinet drawer. The gap between your fridge and the wall is a great place for a slide-out pantry where you can store canned goods or spices.

Not Enlisting the Help of a Professional

Companies like Blissspace in India specialize in customizing kitchens to suit your space and lifestyle. Enlist the help of a kitchen remodelling company or a modular kitchen brand in India so you can avoid common kitchen mistakes such as your oven door not having space to open, thanks to the adjacent knob. Small mistakes usually have a large impact on how your kitchen looks and functions.

We hope these tips help shape your kitchen and your mindset when renovating a small kitchen. If you have any questions, leave us a comment below and we’ll be happy to help.

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