Kitchen Trends for 2020

Blissspace Team | 01 November , 2019

It’s quite fun to get a brand-new kitchen. If you are planning to renovate your kitchen soon, it’s best to know everything about the newest kitchen trends for 2020 so you can figure out what’s best for your space. There are endless possibilities.

We have put together some kitchen trends in 2020 that you are likely to see in 2020. Whether you’re looking for a change due to new features of appliances or are obsessed with new lighting or countertop trends, when you are looking for a modern kitchen, there’s a lot you can do to suit your needs in a kitchen. Usually, a kitchen represents who you are, so make the most of your renovation with your unique touch.

1. The Storage Walls Organized the Kitchen

Why don’t you get a full wall of storage cabinets that go from the ground to the ceiling instead of putting up a lot of cabinets? This approach is better for those who have insufficient space to put in a large pantry. It is great to have large cabinets, but it is best to know how to make the most of your area.

2. Installing Black Cabinets

While natural, warm tones are back in the trend, black is also returning to the kitchens. Dare to have black in the cabinets. If not, the trick can be accomplished by hardware, so tiling and fittings, and fixtures can be done. Matte finishing is preferred to a shine that reminds you of love for natural stone in 2020.

Before you go with this trend, be sure that the lighting in your room allows for it. All-black kitchens are trendy but darken a place–not ideal if your kitchen is sealed off from the rest of the house. You can only choose to have some black cabinets and mix them with materials such as wood.

3. Installing Fluted Glass

Do you remember that there was textured glass in the kitchens in the older days? Now, it has made its way back into modern-day kitchens. Even though the kitchen of today is rather minimalist, having some shelving with a glass façade is quite trendy. It helps us to display our valuable possessions.

For this look, fluted glass is perfect because the objects remain abstract (i.e., they do not fully disclose the contents of the cabinets). Nowadays, fluted glass, and smoked glass, are also in trend. Designers pair these glass patterns with extremely modern cabinets to make them live in our kitchens. Such glass panels can also be used for pantries as sliding doors.

If you are preparing to incorporate this trend into your new kitchen, make sure the things are kept behind the glass that will not be used day in and day out. For quite a while, the look will remain clean and intact. Keep in mind that some cabinets with glass doors look great, but don’t get too many. Expect to have just one or two glass panel pieces.

4. Natural Materials for Shining Bright

Product quality is very crucial in the latest trends in the kitchen. For allowing the natural noble materials to steal the show, the entire kitchen has adopted a more minimalist look. Matte finishing is also recommended in terms of tiling. The motifs are somewhat discrete this time around. Some tiling, however, may have a high shine finish and be of unusual shapes. Make sure most of your finish is matte.

5. The Appliances must-have New Colors

Continuing with the idea of having warm tones, and natural colors, many appliance companies have a range of new products with a color finish that is a mix of red, champagne, and dark gray. Nowadays, appliances have less of a cold, uninviting look.
There will also be smarter kitchen appliances in 2020, including refrigerators. Nowadays, many companies have several intelligent refrigerators that work with Alexa, allowing you to set reminders for the expiration dates as well as display the contents of your fridge from your phone.

The Out Dated Kitchen Trends

In summary, the 2020 kitchen design trends are all about natural stones and noble woods. The goal can be to look at patterns and make the right choices. Nonetheless, the analysts have drawn up a list of trends that should now be stopped.

1. Angles

Don’t give odd angles to your cabinets or kitchen islands. Opt for kitchen-wide straight lines.

2. Pot Racks

Don’t give your cabinets or kitchen islands any strange angles. Opt for straight lines across the kitchen.

3. Having Open Concept Shelves

It’s good but not inherently realistic to have open shelving as in open shelving; the dirt gets collected easily. Closed glass or transparent door cabinets are a more safe option.

4. Having Large Cabinet Handles

Nowadays, Ornate or intimidating cabinet handles are not in trend. Hence, they must not be used.

5. The Colorful Kitchens

Very bright kitchens are no longer in the pattern or those with shiny colored pops. It’s best to choose now a range of neutral tones for a harmonized finish that fits well together.

Final Thoughts on Kitchen Trends 2020

When it comes to decorating the kitchen, some elements are timeless. Year after year, they look great. A renovation of the kitchen is an investment that needs to be well cared for.

In addition to picking up finishing specifics and materials, you also need to consider their ergonomics, the height of various elements, and the amount (and location) of electrical outlets where plumbing and air ducts need to be built. You can get the help of a kitchen designer to avoid kitchen renovation errors.

He or she is going to make sure that your kitchen is working, and well organized, and that the rest of your home is well-meshed. Hope you find this article interesting which gives all the details about the newest kitchen trends in 2020.

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