The Kitchen Knick Knacks

Blissspace Team | 22 April , 2019

The water bubbles with rising heat, welcoming the aroma of hot coffee. The cooker whistles and calls for attention. The hustle begins and the alarm announcing the sun’s arrival goes off only when everyone around leaves is part of amazing kitchen knick-knacks.

The kitchen which is always brewing up with new recipes and humming with special food orders speaks for itself. It is no less than the work of a manager to run it, starting from keeping it organized and memorizing where all the things lie.

So, why not get yourself sorted with the basic kitchen hacks?

Set up the mood lights when you enter the kitchen. The lighting plays an important role in getting you started. As simple as a hanging light right above your head will let you chop off your vegetables with ease. The dim lights are perfect for romantic kitchen dinners.

Set your priorities right. Right, to left, and left to right, your eyes fall on the left side first. Set things accordingly. That becomes your basic rule when you have to organize things in a particular order.

When your kitchen shouts boredom, don’t panic. Add a tint of greenery and turn on the magic. Plants add life to the surroundings and their presence is refreshing. Add a dash of new crockery. Make sure it matches the existing colors visible in the kitchen. Transform some old furniture into seating for the kitchen. Usually, bar stools can make your kitchen look chic and luxe. The simple formula here would be to get rid of the chair backs and paint the legs with a bold color.

To try something really out of the box which is usually followed in some old restaurants is to get a standing blackboard and use it to scribble your today’s special dishes. That might arouse some excitement in the house.

Keep yourself open to experiments and you might discover a new corner of the kitchen to try your hands on. We hope Blissspace tricks work well for you. Share a picture with us and let us know about your amazing kitchen knick-knacks.

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