7 Reasons to Visit a Modular Kitchen Showroom

Blissspace Team | 12 October , 2021

It’s no secret that the kitchen has become exceedingly important in our homes over the last couple of years. This room in the house, once reserved solely for cooking, has evolved into a creative space that needs to be functional and efficient. During the pandemic, kitchen trends have changed, and this room is now a space to entertain in, work in, eat in and so much more.

Most people who are doing up their kitchen for the first time, feel that browsing through Pinterest, or the internet in general, will help them narrow down on what they would like their kitchen to look like. While that is a great place to start and get ideas on the colours and style you’re leaning towards, nothing beats visiting a kitchen showroom. As a homeowner, you need to find out the latest materials, appliances, and trends in the market and get to understand the capabilities of your modular furniture company.

Here are some of the reasons why you need to visit a modular kitchen showroom in Goa:

1. What you see is what you get

Ever bought something online, only to be disappointed by its size, quality, or colour when it arrived at your doorstep? As a homeowner, you will be spending lakhs of rupees on your new kitchen or on remodeling your existing one. You need to touch and feel the different kinds of laminates and finishes, feel confident about the quality of materials you are choosing, and ensure that it’s the best in class for your price point.

Secondly, some aspects of your new kitchen can’t be experienced or seen through photos or by reading about them on your modular kitchen company’s website. Experience the softness of drawers as they close. Notice the smoothness of a pull-out pantry. Can you really reach to the very back of the cabinet with an S-shaped pull-out? Find out when you visit the showroom.

2. Understand the Level of Quality

The kitchen can be one of the most expensive rooms to redesign and you want to know that you’re investing with the right company. Goa boasts of the best modular kitchen brand showrooms and each of them has a range of kitchen displays. Visit a few of them to touch and feel the products, and you will see that the kitchen showroom speaks volumes about the brand and its workmanship. You will then find it easy to choose the best company to renovate your kitchen with. Top modular kitchen brands require you to fix an appointment so that an expert can explain the products to you, understand your needs and help break down the jargon.

3. Inquire about Materials and look at Colours and Finishes in Person

When you visit a kitchen showroom, you can get a clear picture of what materials the brand uses to manufacture its kitchens. Inquire about the source of materials as this directly impacts the durability of your kitchen. Blissspace Goa uses HDHMR for its cabinets and carcasses, while you have a range of materials to choose from when it comes to countertops, laminates, finishes, hardware, and fixtures. It is difficult to look at different finishes and colours online, and hence going to the showroom will help you avoid making any mistakes in selection.

4. Get Inspired by Customisation and Functionality

Every modular kitchen showroom has beautiful kitchens on display, and these will give you inspiration for your own kitchen design. Look at details like cabinet handles, tap designs, and more, by visiting the showroom in person. Apart from style and design, also look at how functional these kitchens are and understand what would work or not work for you. You will likely find at least one kitchen that matches your style and personality, but the beauty of choosing a modular kitchen is that you can customise almost every element to suit your home, style, and preferences.

5. Discuss your Ideas with a Kitchen Expert

Visiting Blissspace, Goa’s largest modular kitchen showroom will allow you to discuss your ideas with experts and get their feedback and advice. Because the designers and sales staff are well versed in kitchen designs, their knowledge will be useful and more tailored to you, as compared to the generic information you will find on the internet. They may even bring up some points that make you want to scrap your initial plan or may share brilliant ideas that you’d never considered before.

6. Understand Pricing

One of the key deciding factors for you as a client is the price of the kitchen. It’s important to ensure that the brand is transparent in giving you a price. Be wary if a company offers you a price estimate without fully understanding your needs or without visiting the site / your home. Many companies inflate the price and then lower it under the guise of offering a discount to lure customers. However well-known modular kitchen brands will tell you exactly why your kitchen should cost as much as it would.

7. After-Sales Service

When investing in a modular kitchen, you will want to compare after-sales service and warranty among different companies. The best way to do this is by visiting the showroom and talking to the sales staff to understand what’s covered under the warranty and how long it lasts.

Whilst it is possible to design your kitchen without leaving your home, it’s fair to say that the best way to invest in a home improvement project like a kitchen remodel, and be happy with the results, is to visit the showroom. If you’re based outside of Goa and are looking to remodel your kitchen in Goa, we will be happy to arrange an online consultation.

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